Discount binoculars at North Lincs Astro Club

If you are looking for a great deal on selected binoculars and accessories, why not come along to the North Lincolnshire astronomy society on the first Monday of every month.

Northern Optics will be present at each evening meeting with a small selection of binoculars at greatly discounted prices. The special offers on the night will not be available on the Northern Optics website, or at any other trading venue.

All we ask is that when you turn up is to stop for the evening and socialise with other members. Clear skies permitting, you will get the chance to test out binoculars and look through other members telescopes and binoculars.

There is an entry fee. But this includes a raffle ticket. Prizes donated by the club and Northern Optics

Click here for more imformation on the North Lincs Atro club, and meeting dates

Northern Optics website


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