It was nice to see a few new faces for the March 2017 meeting at the North Lincs astro society. This meant we had a very good attendance of 25 people filling the room. On this occasion we were given an excellent talk (part 2) of the Voyager space flight program by Paul Money. This included some excellent actual and simulated footage and images of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune + moons. With a lovely finale where the space craft looked back and took a family photo of the solar system which made us all realise how small we are from such a vast distance away. In fact we were no more than a pixel in space.
Thank you as always for the teas and refreshments courtesy of Malcolm and Glenys and the wildlife trust for the use of the venue.
For a change, we had partial clear skies afterwards. So Paul Cotton very kindly set up the Celestron SCT telescope so we could have some glorious views of the Moon
For more info on the North Lincs astro society click HERE