North Lincs astro meeting 5th June 2018

We had a good turn out with over 25 members, regulars and visitors attend the June 2018 North Lincolnshire astronomy society meeting. The talk was by Professor Brad Gibson . Or to give his full title , Professor of Astrophysics/ Director, E.A Milne Centre for Astrophysics; Head of Physics.

Prof Gibson gave us an excellent talk on astro physics. In particular 10 things in the past and modern day life how technology from astrophysics has aided many things, such as cancer research , wifi and CCDs to name a few. As well as being informative, Brads talk added some humour to keep us entertained. We hope to see him or or some of his colleagues again at the club.

Thank you to Malcolm and Glenys not only for the teas and refreshments , but inviting some of their friends along. Also thanks as always for the Lincolnshire wildlife trust for the use of the venue.

Northern Optics was at the meeting with some astro bits for sale on the night. For more info on the North Lincs astro society, visit their website North Lincs astro society


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