Barton area group astronomy night. October 2016


The North Lincs astro society were the guest visitors at the Barton area group , which is part of the Lincolnshire wildlife trust. With help from Andy Langford, Steve Berry gave an excellent talk on how to take images of the night sky with a DSLR. This included advice on camera settings, focusing, software etc. Sadly only 7 Barton area group members turned up. But this did not stop the show and Steve did a great job

Afterwards we were lucky to have some clear skies for a brief period. Northern Optics was in attendance with a 12″ Dobsonian and and a short tube Celestron Travelscope-70 for the Barton group to look though. Targets we got to see were the double cluster, Andromeda galaxy, Mizor / Alcor double star and Alberio double star

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