The North Lincolnshire astronomy society was greeted by clear skies in the first time in what seemed an eternity. Around 24 turned up which included 2 first timers. Our scheduled speaker Chris was unable to be in attendance, so Steve Berry stepped in to give a talk on how to work out the photographic field of view for a few examples of telescope / camera combinations with computer software. Thank you to Craig for stepping in to rectify some PC gremlins.
As always thank you to Sarah for the refreshments and the Lincolnshire wildlife trust for the use of their premises.
Afterwards we got some delightful views of Jupiter and the Orion Nebula through a Skywatcher ST80 and 12″ flex-tube Dobsonian. Thank you to Paul and James for allowing us to look through their telescopes.
For more information on the North Lincs Astro society, click HERE