North Lincs Astro meeting Monday 4th March 2019

Due to the March speaker sadly feeling unwell, our in house speaker Andrew did a great job by stepping in at the last minute to give us a talk on spectroscopy. Quite a tricky subject for some. But Andrew did a fantastic job of making it clear to follow with the aid of images and video.

With more time to kill, yours truly did a 15 minute talk on astronomy from past years. By past years, I mean my books from the 1870s.  On the screen I showed images and text from what they knew about astronomy back then, with just a little humour thrown in. Book shown in the image is Astronomy 1876 by J.Norman.Lockyer F.R.S

We also discussed ideas for future meetings. Thank you as always to Malcolm and Glennys for the snacks , chocs and teas.

We did have part clear skies afterwards, but was too windy to set up telescopes.

For more details on the society visit the North Lincs astro society web site


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