North Lincolnshire Astronomy Society. 5th December 2011

We had a great evening at the North Lincs Astro club on the 5th December 2011. Around 15 members turned up. Despite a little cloud cover and a very chilly wind, we got some super views of Jupiter, The Moon , and the Orion Nebula (M42)

Scopes used were a ST80 short tube refractor, 76mm Celestron reflector and a Celestron Ultima 80mm spotting scope. We were all amazed at how good the Celestron Ultima was when used for astronomy. No wonder it won best in class in the BBC Sky at Night magazine.

The raffle prizes on an astronomy calender and a red light torch were donated by the club and Northern Optics

Thank you as always for the Lincs Wildlife trust for the use of the facilities

North Lincs Astro web site

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