A good turn out of regulars were in attendance for the November 2019 North Lincs astro society meeting at Barton Upon Humber, Far ings visitor centre. After discussing unpluging of washing machines and near mishaps with screw drivers, we were treated to two talks.
Firstly Steve gave an update on the LCO (Las Cumbres observatory), which is a network of 23 (as of now) astronomical observatories run by a non profit private operating foundation, and how as a society we can download and edit images from their telescopes.
Secondly, regular speaker Chris Roche gave a very interesting talk about his visit to the New Scientist Live event in London. This included the different talks he attended, and some very interesting and amusing astro facts.
As always thank you to Glenys and Malcolm for keeping us fed and watered, plus my own doggie bag to take home with me.
For more info on future meetings, contact the North Lincs astro society